From Mandarake's buy price page
One of the easiest ways to evaluate current market prices for the Dragon Ball limited cards is Mandarake's own "buy" price list. It's used for individuals who wish to bring their limited cards to Mandarake shops.
The prices listed are what Mandarake would pay to buy cards from you (or any person looking to sell them their cards). The retail price at a Mandarake store would of course end up higher.
* Special note: Mandarake updates the list every now and then. It's not meant as a definitive guide, only an estimate.
Mandarake's classic Dragon Ball card buy information / ドラゴンボール (旧)カードダス 買取情報
Just follow the link and use the translated names below to find what you're looking for, and evaluate the price from there. Just don't forget to add a percentage to get the actual price, whether it be 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, or even more, is up to you, as it's only an estimate anyway.
From the top they start with the limited cards "Limited Carddass / various types"《限定カードダス/各種》.
As for the top row columns they read as "Title" (タイトル) , "Note" (備考), followed by the three card condition ratings:
"Very beautiful" (極美品), "Beautiful" (美品), and "Average" (並品).
The Carddass Goods items are included in the list. So to differentiate I have listed cards in orange, and goods in brown:
- Card Battle Tournament Celebration Commemoration / カードバトル大会優勝記念盾
- Card battle Prize card カードバトル入賞盾
- Toriyama Akira Mechanko Project 10 prisms / 鳥山明めちゃんこプロジェクト10枚組
- First Limited card Son Goku & Gohan / 限定第1弾 孫悟空&悟飯(LIMITED3000)
- Part 3 Release Commemoration Limited 6 prisms / 3弾発売記念限定第2弾6枚組
- Over 300 Million Commemoration Tapestry / 3億枚突破記念特製パノラマタペストリー
- Over 300 Million Commemoration Panel Clock / 3億枚突破記念パネル時計
- Card Battle Ceommemoration Participation Keyholder / カードバトル出場記念キーホルダー
- Tenkaichi Shikenkai Gold Certification card (with card holder) / 天下一認定ゴールドカード(台紙付)
- DBZ3 Fierce Warrior Android Official card (Silver) / DBZ3烈戦人造人間オフィシャルカード(銀)
- Summer 92 Jump Museum 19 card set / 92年夏ジャンプマルチワールド全19種
- Summer 92 Jump Museum (SS Son Goku) / 92年夏ジャンプマルチワールド『スーパーサイヤ人孫悟空』
- Multi World 1993 Certification card (SS Son Gohan) / マルチワールド認定証オフィシャルカード(SS孫悟飯)
- Over 1 Billion Carddass Commemoration 5 prisms / 10億枚突破記念5枚組
- DB Mandara Perfect Refill (For Super Battle part 15 &16) / DBマンダラパーフェクトリフィル※備考参照
- DB Carddass 20 part Ingot Case * / DBカードダス24弾セットインゴットケース
- DB Memorial Jumbo Carddass set of 12/ DBカードダス THE MEMORIAL CARDDASS 全12種(抽プレ版)
- DB Adventure History Jumbo Carddass set of 18 / DBカードダス ADVENTURE HISTORY 全18種セット
- Total n1000 Commemoration Special 3D card / TOTAL No1000到達記念 スペシャル3Dカードダス
- Son Goku & Trunks & Pan 1995 Admission card / 孫悟空&トランクス&パン
- Son Goku 1994 Invitation ticket card 孫悟空 ご招待券
- Son Goku and Friends (GT Carddass n0) / 孫悟空と仲間たち
- Tokubetsudan B-course Trading card / 特別弾 トレカ Bコース
- Tokubetsudan A-course n82 card / 特別弾 82番 Aコース
- Ultimate Exhibit 95 Carddass 1~24 Complete Set (black box) / 究極博95会場限定本弾1~24弾コンプリートセット『黒箱』
- Ultimate Exhibit 95 Super Battle 1~14 Complete Set (black box) / 究極博95会場限定スーパーバトル1~14弾コンプリートセット『黒箱』
- No500 Jumbo Super Battle Raffle card/ No500『大感謝!NO500突破』(スーパーバトル)/抽プレ
- GT Super Battle Jumbo Raffle card『広がる冒険世界』(スーパーバトル)/抽プレ
- Gokuden Special File Book (with book) / 悟空伝 スペシャルファイルブック(ブックのみ)
- Ultimate Exhibit Special System File / 究極博特製DX システムファイル
* This is a mistake caused by the Daizenshuu Carddass Perfect File Vol 1. In actuality the Ingot box contains 20 parts and not 24.
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