Saturday, June 29, 2019

"Introduction" First and Second Limited Carddass cards (Limited 3000) - DEPRECATED

The Limited 3000 card introductions have been redone and have been moved here:

First Limited 3000 card (Part 2 Release Commemoration)

Part 3 Release Commemoration Limited 3000 cards (6 prisms)


I am leaving this page here with only the photos for those who wish to see them. I use a new camera and wanted all the card pictures to have consistency with one another by being taken by a single camera. Thank you for you interest in the blog!

Back to main index


  1. what website do you use to find pricing of db cards?

  2. Sorry for the late reply. I use several sites to gauge the general value. One good generally reliable one is Mandarake's kaitori prices, they list estimates of how much they will buy what card depending on condition. It's all in Japanese but if you can manage either on your own or with a translating machine, then it's invaluable.
